Walk to Marker Makro

I mostly agree on Gidget, especially on the part that macroing is about ideology.

I forfeit a second armour/jewel set because of how much you have to click every time to copy some actions from your mind into the game.
Because of this, the game does in reality not have such a feature for me - it's wasted.

I'd like if selecting an action bar would work together with switching armor/jewels and weapons.
BUT I do not like fully automated click&watch games.
I agree that the player should be involved, but I disagree that the player has to do the very same tasks over and over and over again.

A macro could stop if the player levels up or if the inventory is full.
It could stop if many other players are nearby and "the bot spam" is blocking a ressource spot.

Some actions in Macros could be limited to X uses per day or 1-2 per hour.
With TPs and non-shareable macros, I don't see a possibility this can be abused for trecking.
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