Pirates of Darkmoor

We're still debating releasing a f2p version of the app. I wonder how many players ≤ level 125 want to find paying craft missions?

I remember long before I had nearly the Craft skills I do now or knew about occupations and became a Water Carrier, I was elated to find the overseer mission for q17 2h swords in Fairhaven as it was relatively lucrative for the amount of effort involved yet easily doable even for someone fresh from Silan.

Had there been such an app for F2P players at the time, I would've found it helpful and I strongly suspect that those who are now where I was then would likewise enjoy a way to make a nice pile of dappers.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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