Recurring missions for Silan like the Mainland has

I'm not sure what to say on this. Yes, i agree that there needs to be a way new ones can make money. The 'economy' on Atys just does not work for them so the 'Gift' economy exists still, where guidlies give new ones money, because things are so freeking expensive for them. Is this going to be a game of 'Making money,' or a game where they can do other stuff for fun(and there is plenty to do for fun!)?

I never liked the new economy since the change during the server merge. (And i hate to mention this, but I know there is other games out there that charge real money for advantages, such as for dappers in game, I really don't know if this is feasable, advisable, or even a good idea, but it would probably bring in more revenue I suppose, [sorry i mentioned this!]).


There needs to be a fix for this. I suggest maybe dapper missions only new ones can take in the main cities on Atys. How to do this, I am not sure, perhaps it can be based on FAME or something like that. Only low fame players can do the missions, and make lots of dappers, or if you get your fame up in a race, you can make more dappers. The current missions need to be boosted in payoff. anything less than 1000 dappers should be boosted

Perhaps players can be barred or have a LIMIT for exhanging dappers between eachother and have cooldown period of 24 hrs, I don't know, its just an idea to discourage alts from dapper harvesting, or 'gift dapper exchanging'. Just an Idea thrown out there.
As far as dapper missions on Silan, I am for that wholeheartedly since it is only for new ones there anyways.

Also, I liked your idea of more information given to new ones like "Hey, you cannot buy a mektoub here on Silan, they are only tamed and riden on the mainlands. Go there!" :)
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