Recurring missions for Silan like the Mainland has

Silan has a few other little omissions that cause big problems.

- Many fresh-from-Silan players have to have the whole TP thing explained to them as Silan gives no indication that there is any way to get around Atys other than running or death-porting.

- The Forager trainer gives no indication that digging ever gets faster than about a mat a minute, leading many would-be crafters to avoid digging in favor of crafting their kills or just stopping people from crafting much, period.

- Item stats are never explained. There is no indication that not all gear of the same grade and Q is identical to all other items of the same type, grade, and Q. And it's only mentioned very briefly that using different mats will get different stats; a lot of people will click right through. This results in some crafting mediocre items because they will just throw whatever mats they loot into crafting an item and call it good.

I know Silan is supposed to be a tutorial, but there is some pretty basic stuff that they gloss over, leading to a bunch of people forming some pretty big misconceptions.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

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