Recurring missions for Silan like the Mainland has

  • lack of incoming dappers into Silan
  • some players do make alts for the dapper reason
  • introduce some repeatable missions on Silan
  • only way to make a real income on mainland anyway
Hi Everyone,

As we know, many players choose to stay on Silan to help out other players, this is one of the cornerstones of Ryzom.Silan is a training area meant to expose the player to the basics and prepare them for the mainland.

Silan also aims to limit what the player can do in order to give the player a reason to move on to the main land. Example, fewer stanzas are available.It should be communicated more clearly that there are more... later, by the NPCs though (if it was, I missed it).

While Silan does a fair job at proportionally representing the mainland, there are some key teasers missing.The stablehand does not speak to you or inform you that there will be cheap mounts for everyone later on, for example.

My primary goal for this post though is to address the lack of incoming dappers into Silan. On the mainland there are repeatable missions, on Silan there are not.

As a result, if you actually want dappers to stimulate the economy or to buy anything, you need to either 1) keep hoping newbies spend money on you or 2) make an Alt account and do some missions again

While I understand that Silan is not meant to be a permanent home or even a long-term one, please keep in mind that people will always use a system for whatever they want it to be used for, regardless of what the intended purpose of the system was. This is a well known human quality, especially in business. (I can get you a reference from some PhD in some text book if you wish :P)

  • Many players do make their home on Silan (practitioner)
  • Many new players are coming due to steam launch (observation)
  • Many new players seek to stay longer on silan (personal observation)
  • Some players do make alts for the dapper reason(practitioner)
I'm not saying "hey give me more stanzas" but rather:
introduce some repeatable missions on Silan in the very least.

On the mainland this is basically the only way to make a real income since the dapper nerf for the merchant, may as well get the players involved from now instead of letting them find out the hard way later.
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