
Guilds vs Solo Play

I am in a guild (The great "Grave of The Fireflies"), however, I still generally play by my self (or with myself) except when I want to level up in healing, because I NEED to be in a team to level healing.

My being in a guild doesn't preclude me from being in a guild. (if preclude means what I think it means)

However, I do not recall any dicussion of the skill it takes to play solo. There is no one else to heal you when you die. You have to be aware of the levels of the things you try to kill. You have to have an escape strategy. It is much more difficult when you are alone, and requires different strategy. You have to take many things into consideration that a team does not need to think about.

And for the alts... that is not playing solo, you are playing with yourself.

Just saying....


I need me a new tag line on my messages!
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