
Guilds vs Solo Play

Alts can be good for RP as well. You'll occasionally see Gidget and I arguing in Uni, and I know I'm not the only one.

However, Gidget doesn't rely on me very often. She does her own careplanning when she digs, keeping me around simply to heal/rez her when she accidentally forgets to stabilize the node. She doesn't level much these days except for crafting (which I can't help with). These days, I'm mostly there in case she decides to go on a trek and she can't find anyone in her guild online at the odd hours she sometimes roams Atys.

I think that those who regard the use of alts as "cheating" are competitive enough that they invent their own rules of what is "fair", often quite different and more restrictive than the dev's guidelines, in order to make themselves look superior. While that may be well and fine in an arena or other battlefield, and there is no shame in being more skilled than someone else, doing all sorts of posturing about how you are superior according to arbitrary, self-made guidelines is ludicrous. Doing things the hard way is not a huge badge of honor worth bragging about in an MMORPG. If it brings you more enjoyment to do things all by yourself, then you are perfectly free to go without alts or guildmates. However, it's not "cheating" to do things differently than you would do them.

@Guarddog - Retrettably, I cannot think of a single word that means "people other than Guarddog". However, I can say that even a few lines of chat in Uni can be enough to rub many people the wrong way. You wondered how Daomei heard about you? You stand out enough that I think anyone who reads Uni knows a bit about you and has judged you accordingly.

I understand and respect where you are coming from, but disagree strongly with the abrasive manner in which you demean those who have different play styles than you. If you cannot respect those who do things differently from you, then how can we respect you? I feel sorry for the solo-players that get a bad rep as a result of your arrogant condescension.
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