
Guilds vs Solo Play

I want to add some comments about the much slandered playing with an alt. Personally, I consider that a variant of solo play, and a legitimate and tolerated one. In fact, that playstyle is much different from "pure" monoboxing solo play as well as from playing in interaction with others exclusively.

For me, playing with a second character opened opportunities and experiences I lacked as well in solo play as in cooperative play with others.

When I approached towards my first melee master, namely daggers, I had already taken the services of my subbed alt Diwu as a healer, though she was fairly low on level (though growing fast) at that time. From level 190 on approximately, I developped the technique of training completely nude, as armor and jewels, where I fully depended on friends to craft them, were more valuable to me than some accidential injury or death. My chosen opponents were the cuttlers in the scorched corridor, until I grew out of the level 241 ones, tekorn daggers with max speed allowed me to bind up to 4 cuttlers at a time in circular, finishing them by enchants.

That technique was fairly unstable and completely depended on the reactions of the (then fairly low level) healer, failures occurred not seldom and were taken (mind that killing 5 cuttlers or so repaired the dp).

I tried the same with human healers, they regularly lacked the appropriate reactions and complained about the stress and the tension of such kind of high risk training.

Later, I developped techniques of roaming all regions of Atys, and trekking homins to every tp and zinuakeen and every other location on and below the bark. I even learned and learned to love to play with and to fool KPs. All that was possible in a team of two. I tried to practise the same in team with other players but experienced that those attempts regularly required a lot of instruction and coordination. Except in roleplay where we frequently rant I do not need to argue or discuss with Diwu.

I do in no way say that I deem it useless to interact in teams with other players. But when trying out risky stuff I am happy to be able to rely on my alt. I may communicate results and failures later.

So I consider slander against playing with alts intolerant, ignorant and pointless.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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