
Guilds vs Solo Play

Well, Kimmerin, that is an interesting though somewhat extravagant point. Yet, as Ryzom is a sandbox game, you are of course entitled to play as you like. The only prerequisite is to respect other players and their playstyle. Of course you have no obligation at all to communicate or interact with anybody unless you decide so.

I can say that I earned two masters (digging and crafting) and some levels above 200 before ever using an alt. I experienced that as an extension of my possibilities and opportunities ingame. E.g. I felt relieved from waiting for a healer for an hour only to learn that right now just BF or mum arrived .. But I think that missing opportunities of communication and interaction may deprive you of significant and pleasant experiences. Yet, as said, the choice is perfectly up to you.

And of course there is enough space and opportunity to enjoy the game in the way you do. So have fun :)


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