
Guilds vs Solo Play

The only nodes I ever remember fighting over (and no more than a few times) was in the PvP zone of PR at the supernodes at season change, which is every bit as legitimate as any OP battle. Both kamis and karas show up in force for supernodes and everyone gets killed at some point there at that time. I have been killed there minding my own business far more often than I have killed someone there. If for some reason you got caught up in one of those instances by mistake, I apologize. It has never been my intent to kill any digger other than those seeking supernodes. I am more than willing to admit that when I was newer to the game I suppose it is possible that I made a mistake there, but it's been too long and I can't be sure. As a rule, I do not attack people unless they attack first, with the only exceptions being at OP battles or competing for supernodes.

But I am certain I never used an alt, never logged in two accounts at the same time. Not even sure if my aged computer could handle it. You never saw me digging with an alt because that has never happened. Sometimes people help me care plan, that is a friend helping, not my alt. I only have 2 accounts, one is a F2P for when my paid sub runs out and I cannot play my main subbed account. They have never been logged on at the same time. That is just the truth of it, which needs clarified.

Yes the term "cheater alt" was partially a joke and comes from the same principle and spirit as the term for using a long pole attached to a tool to make a job easier which is commonly referred to as a "cheater pole". I have also called alts "evil alts" on many occasion, that doesn't mean I think people using them are evil. I never meant that anyone should be punished or banned for using alts. And I never named a single person as a cheater for using alts. My opinion is based on the general widespread use of them and their impact on the game.

Alts make the game easier than it is "supposed" to be, and not sure what else to call that. Give me a better word and I will use it.

Mostly I want people to try the game again for a while not using alts and see what difference it makes in the community and how it will effect solo play opportunities and dependency on guilds for support.

And as far as I know I have never had anything to do with you Daomei, or even remember meeting you. Is that why you hate me? Do I need to start giving you some attention? *hugs*
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 04:19:06 UTC

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