
Guilds vs Solo Play

Well Guarddog, you put the venom into the debate by the accusation of cheating. Indeed I heard accusations of unfair play by you, and I was very astonished by the way you are taking moral high grounds. But as you plead for total innocence, I do not want to elaborate on until next time, so I retract my statement for now.

Your accusation that playing with an alt is "cheating" remains phony and absurd anyway. It puzzles me that somebody from the former Ari community where playing with one or even more alts was even more common and accepted than on the other servers is taking such an extreme position which was radical and a minority opinion even on Aniro.

One may decide to play completely without any "wonderdogs" or other alts, even during digging etc., you may swear you always did, and the cp I saw you with was just a ghost .. so what. Even if that was a misperception, I fail to see that anybody is entitled to rigid statements about the legal playstyle of others. Many seasoned players, no matter which faction, guild or not, practise it. The discussion about has been held long time ago and you must not reopen it with insults.

Though I never joined a guild I always helped others where I could. And I fail to see that such behaviour needs a guild, necessarily. Guilds may possibly add to playing the game, no doubt, but are in no way an obligation or a morally higher way.

You should start to learn what a sandbox game constitutes. There are many ways to play legitimately inside the possibilities the game is offering. And playing with an alt is definitely one of them, and not as questionable as e.g. ambushing low level diggers in ToT.


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