While I do not doubt your often reported expertise in cheating, I fail to see that playing with an alt, even with more than one like e.g. Beeficus, can be called cheating. One may question whether it is "real" solo play, but alas, is there any binding definition of solo playing?
It is interesting that you seemed to have heard about me, I have no clue who you are (I expect you are a Kami) or what you are talking about. As far as the "often reported" accounts of me cheating, I expect those (if any) are false accusations made up by people angry with me when I rightly called them out for actually cheating during a race event, for which the CSRs agreed DID happen. I expect you cannot actually provide evidence that I have ever cheated or cite specific accounts of me even playing unfairly, because it has never happened. Perhaps some people are just sore losers when it comes to OP battles and decided they needed to start rumors about me. So please get over this fixation you seem to have on smearing my name. You obviously do not know me and I doubt you can get anyone who does know me to say anything bad about me.
As far as using alts.. I do, for myself, consider that an advantage which I will never utilize becuase it feels too much like cheating to me personally. I do not consider playing with alts as SOLO play. However, I could care less if other people use them if they feel they need that crutch. Personally believe the game would better be served if people would be willing to help eachother out more while providing their undivided attention instead of focusing on the grind with their own alts. The game for me is more of a social event than a grind-fest. It is just my personal opinion, and I know many, if not most, disagree with me. That is fine, love and long life to you all.
I think being in a guild adds an aspect to the game that you may not get otherwise. While being in a guild has its obvious benifits, it also adds a degree of responsibility, expecially for those who are High Officers or Guild Leaders. The focus of the game changes from what you can personally accomplish, to what you can help others accomplish as you gain ranks in a guild. It can at a point almost keep a person from developing their own character as they help others more and more. Being in a guild also introduces people to the interworkings of the politics behind the various faction alliances that they may never experience otherwise.
Peace out.