'Jump'/blocked areas (Invisible wall)

The first idea is quite simple and straight forward to explain, whether it will work in practice I don't know. However I would like the ability to 'Jump' in the game, as there are many areas I have already encounted where a simple jump could have saved a few minutes of slow running travel time. Whether you will be able to encorporate it in or not, I don't know, but it would be a massively improving (and freedom feeling) feature if it could be implemented.

My second idea has a few links to my reasoning for my 'Jump' idea, as in giving a better sense of freedom, and realism. Firstly I can understand certain buildings, fences, and other objects in the game extending their invisible wall a small amount around them, as with all games, however I have seen very large gaps in between two objects that I could easily fit through without a problem, again this would be a nice feature to improve on, just to add that extra improvement to the game, a better sense of freedom and realism. Again, I'm not sure how easy this would be to do in practice, however both my ideas don't seem to ambitious and are just meant as little improvements that would make a big difference.

Thanks for reading, I really, really do hope you consider and perhaps look more into how you can use this idea. Enjoying the game so far.

Your friendly neighbourhood Xaen.
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