
Guilds vs Solo Play


I have mostly played solo. I needed a team when I leveled healing, and for a short while, when I was dicing up Psykoplas, I had a healer with me until my jewels were getting ready. Other than those, I have gotten to level 151 in melee and magic ALL BY MY SELF. In the past, before I had joined a guild, I generally got killed by people who DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME.

In short, you CAN go solo, and I am still going solo, except for healing. I am happy with my decision.

Yes, it takes longer to level up, but SO WHAT? The game is not about levelling up, the game is playing the game you want to play the game. If you are a solitary kind of person, be a solitary person. Do not apoplgize, ever.

PS: This is my opinion and the opinion of my other two solitary players.

PSS: I hate harvesting, but my harvesting level is about 110 and my crafting level is about 105 or so.


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