Make OP Battles more accessible to low level players

A. I think you have to tred lightly here because it would require massive re-writing of the game mechanics in the code to make this work, for reasons stated by Virg and just to get it to work properly, or would masters need to make new action stanzas in their action bars?? Or would it be an automatically reduced spell you are casting in a 'Zone' (the OP perimeter) so that you can use your usual spells? How you going to make that work?

B. I like a the Idea of making smaller OP's worthwhile or valuable, by letting you use them to craft higher level gear by using for example, 5x q50 OP mats to equal 1 q250 (q50+q50+q50+q50+q50=q250) or for example a q100 OP (q100+q100+q100=q250) [you must equal or exceed the desired level you want to craft]
This will make the lower OP's valuable. But sorry, that is for another thread.

Note: however, i realize this does not answer the point about allowing lower level players from joining in an op fight.
I joined my first op fight at level 100 melee ~ish. I had a fun time. Everyone can join in, nothing keeps them from not joining! I was useless as a melee, but had fun still.
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Last visit Friday, 20 September 03:59:57 UTC

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