Make OP Battles more accessible to low level players

I like this idea a lot but just some points to consider:

Would you want to allow people to wear high level gear? If yes then PvP jewels would make magic obselete and other protective gears would do similar things as well.

If no, you would also have to limit craft+dig skills to ensure people can't wear higher level gear. Also for players to craft themselves lower level gear for the purposes of these OPs most will need more incentive than just a bit of fun and low level OP mats, which are often given away for free (hey Placio :P).

If decalres are going to happen, higher leveled players will probably have to foot the bill. Therefore once again there will need to be more incentive for them to pay up (although some probably won't see an issue with the dappers).

As Riku said, change is a good thing and this could open up a new world of low-level friendly pvp, which is currently lacking. Also just to add as bugs are a natural part of Atys' ecosystem there are a few worrying possibilities with this such as the level limit bugging out and not going away after the war, or not applying to some players meaning a level 250 slaughters the other side in a few nukes.



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