Make OP Battles more accessible to low level players

I'm not sure if there is a link somewhere Craftjenn, but just to summarize it:

1) Attacking guild spends dappers to declare on OP.

2) Attacking guild chooses date of the phase 1.

3) Defending guild chooses date of phase 2.

4) On Phase 1, attacking guild must win a number of rounds to meet the minimal treshold requirements (normally minimal treshold on OP is 5).

5) To win a round, the attacking guild must kill all the NPC guards that spawn during that round. You must win consecutive rounds to meet minimum requirement. The job of the defending guild is to stop you from killing guards by killing you first.

6) On phase 2 defending guild now has to kill the NPCs and win the same amount of rounds as the attacking guild got on phase 1. The attacking guild on this phase must stop the defending guild from killing guards.

7) Whoever got most rounds on their phase wins the OP. A tie gives the victory to defending guild. 24 hours later you can put your drill on the OP and the OP mats go directly to your Guild Hall.

I don't like this system because it clearly favors the side with more people. It would be very hard but still possible for the smaller side, if they're smart enough, to win phase 1. Because you just have to kill the guards, not the other players. But it's impossible for them to win phase 2, because a smaller force couldn't kill a much larger force.

Plus that fact that Ryzom combat has no collision detection or friendly fire means people can just stack in a healing blob and refuse to move at all, just healing each other nonstop.

With that said, yes sure I'll +1 the idea. Anything that brings some changes to how OPs are at the moment is a good thing. ^^


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."
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