Key-Combos (e.g: Allow to make move-keys context-sensitive to overlap with h ...

This is what I will do and it can be done in Ryzom:

Made a macro for:

Key Y - for casting spell
Ctrl+Y - for saying "Yes"
Key H - for saying "Jijhi"
Key J - for saying "Yeah"
Ctrl+Shift+J - for saying "Yes, Yeah"
Ctrl+Shift+H - for saying "Yes, Hiji"

Key 1
- change bar for long range (bar 3)
- select a spell to cast from 1-20 slots of bar 3
- change to the previous bar (bar 1)

Key 2
- change bar for short range (bar 4)
- select a spell to cast 1-20 slots of bar 4
- change to the previous bar (bar 1)

Using open bar 2:
Key 1
- select the spell to cast (assigned 1-10 slots) for long range
Key 2
- select the spell to cast (assigned 11-20 slots) for short range

Macros Ryzom can make your keyboard to behave the way you wanted. Although it is a pain but all the examples I shown above can be done.

Your Idea is nice. Imagine:
A - turn left
S - backward
D - turn right
E - cast a spell

you want by pressing:
E - cast double spell
A+S+E - cast a long range spell
A+S+D+E -cast a short range spell

It is not implemented in Ryzom but you can use crtl+key, shift+key and crtl+shift+key assigned to a specific action.

Another option also is to use your other hand and use numpad to toggle different action bars and still came up with almost same result you wanted.

made a macro for numpad 1 for Bar 1 - long range
made a macro for numpad 2 for Bar 2 - short range
made a macro for numpad 3 for Bar 3 - double spell
made a macro for E - to cast a spell

by pressing:
numpad 1 - Bar 1 will be available (using the other hand)
E - cast long range

numpad 2 - Bar 2 will be available (using the other hand)
E - cast short range

numpad 3 - Bar 3 will be available (using the other hand)
E - cast long range

note: if you want to go back to your current action bar just include it in your macro


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