acronyms list and French translation

Well... I guess I won't write in English anymore on the forum...
I just received an Izam, and it makes me very sad...

I pasted here part of my answer to that Izam, who makes me very sad (and angry too) :

English is NOT my native language... and very often, I have to resume or "deform" what I think cause of my vocabulary lack !
If I have to consult 3 dictionaries (EN+Matei+Tyll) for 4 shorts sentences in English... well... I won't write in english anymore !!!!

Your remark would mean that if we are not fluent with EN+Matei+Tyll, the young can't talk neither on chat, neither on forum ??? Your remarks make me feel that way :(
I feel like each time I try to say something, someone "claps me on the fingers" :(
I can understand that elders are shocked by newbies and young as me...
Quite often I have issue in the French chat, with some French elders... Some French elders are so finical - some are really nasty, much more than in the English Uni - and very hard with youngs like me... that I can understand now why a lot of young don't stay in Ryzom !
If you don't give us the time to learn RP, languagues/patois... saying we should read the Lore... how can we learn ?

... I feel like I won't come anymore on Ryzom :(


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais


Craftjenn, Ranger
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