Suggestion about skill points

And one resurrected idea:

This might be a substantial effort or not since the mechanism is all in place.   In Beta we had staffs not amps; back then I had suggested an alternative:

a)  "Magic Gloves" - Well no explanation necessary ... it wound up in game as "Magic Amplifiers":

b)  "Greaves of Steele" - Greaves is technically armor but pick any corrolary (i.e. crystals on socketed weapons) that suits.  These work the same as amps but for melee skills allowing one to alter weapons in a way that boosts the various weapon characteristics in a manner the crafter chooses.

I must remind that at one time, all weapons were equal in speed / damage etc.   A patch was made tweaking each weapon which for example, increased axe damage by 10% while reducing axe speed by 10%.  IIRC, sword was reduced by 10% and speed increased 10%.  Pike had reach extended to better "hold" multiple mobs.  Overall the intent was to keep the overall impact but to allow the player / crafter to invest more thought into how each weapon could be used in specific situations.

Again, as with the afrementioned patch, the overall goal is NOT to make any weapon significantly more powerful overall or any stronger in relation to magic **overall**.  The intent is to allow minor tweaks where one could say increase damage at the cost of speed .... increase parry at the cost of something else.  Yes we can do this with our mat selection but intent here is to provide some variability and intoduce a bit more felxibility and forethought just like amps do for magic .... i.e. do I want that all 97 amp for convenince of do I want that extra 3% and go all ele or all heal ?

For example:

1.  Decrease all melee damage by 10% (10% just a strawman, pick any number deemed idea)
2.  Introduce reasonably attainable standard greaves that add that same 10% (end result nothing chnages).
3. By using various mat combinations allow the range of individual effects to vary from 5 -15%.   So if I get aim for 15% on Piercing Damage + Pierce  Arnmor, I could expect to get nerfed on Slashing Damage and Bleed.


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