Suggestion about skill points

For example :

If a digger finish all 5 digging skill trees , his remaining digging points could be used to buy actions in craft skill tree depending on his craft levels.
To buy all race scheme craft depending on his craft levels, bonuses on equipments.
Because, when you up 1 craft branch, you haven't enough points to buy all races. And thanks to this idea, could craft more different items.

Alternately, how about that XP gained after mastering be converted to "points".  We have PvP Points, Faction Points, Racial Points and make the, appropriately scaled of course, useable for purchasing items (i.e. Wudahmat, Cats, Crystals, picks, special gear) that can be currently bought with all of the other points ?

The gear items should have different appearance and not be the "same" as those from faction and PvP sourves, but of no less value.  Ryzom since day 1 has takjen a separate but equal approach and this should remain consistent.   No race is superior to any other, no crafted race weapon is superior to any other, belonging to either kami / kara faction offers no advantage compared to the other.  

I don't want to discourage pursuing the custimary routes to get these things so they should be "less effiicent" from a T&E perspective to say Occupations / New Horizons to get Racial Points.   But say if an hour of Occs / NH nets one 1000 points, an hour of digging / using your axe / healing / whatever nets you 500 or 300 points.  Of course no "double dipping" so yu could not for example gain both PvP points and XP points for using yur 250 launcher at an OP battle.

So while it make take x hours of Occs / MH effforts or PvP efforts to earn yaself say 500 recharge crystals, it should take 2x or 3x of exceess XP gathering time to earn 500 crystals.   If it takes 50 hours of T & E in PvP / racial activities to gain the pretty LA set of awesome looking shield, it should take 100 or 150 hours of extra XP gathering to get same.


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