
Bunny Tools Are Back !

Again, until we get more "Celebrity Spokespersons" from Atys to do videos, here's another tutorial for the next "Bunny Tool":

Occupation Timers:

From your App Bar or APP ZONE, launch Bunny Tools:

Once launched, click the "Occupations" Tool under the "Reminders" Section and you should see this window:

There are three (3) different types of timers:

1.  Occupation Timers:  Once you have completed a "practice" for any of the eight occupations, select that Occupation from the drop down window and click "REMIND ME" button.  If you go back to do another Grade, hit the "RESET" button.  "Rinse and Repeat" for up to your three alotted professions.

2.  Special Item Timers:  Once you have collected any of the three "Special Items" (Ambers of Protection, Lucky Flowers or Stimulating Waters) select that item from the drop down window and click "REMIND ME" button.    "Rinse and Repeat" for up to your three available items.

3.  New Horizons Timer:  Once you have turned in your 36th item of Occupation Produce to a New Horizons Dude, select "New Horizons Turn-In" from the drop down window and click "REMIND ME" button.    "Rinse and Repeat" for up to your three available items.  If you only did 24, and do another 12 later, hit the "RESET" button after completing the extra 12.


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Last visit Friday, 28 February 01:54:04 UTC

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