
[GFX] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Artist Group)

01st of february 2016

Depyraken will need a beautiful 3D fishing rod for his fisherman occupation!

Q : I have a question: I am just starting to learn Blender on the Mac. Are the tools available to import to Ryzom from Blender on mac ready yet? and Where to get them?
A: Kaetemi could answer you better than me, but I know that Blender Exporter is expected to run on all 3 platforms. Till the end of the tests, it can be compiled here: And it can also be downloaded with ryzom_tools_static_*.zip on the page. By the way, Kaetemi needs as many 3D graphic creations as possible done, among others but not only, using Blender to test his new tool and improve / fix it if needed.
Kervala: yes OS X tools should work:


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