Just tried again. This time instead of using copy of old client, used new fresh d/l
1. Did a complete fresh install of Ryzom into virgin folder (D:\Ryzom 64 7144) after putting my save directory in it.
2. Ran the install (ryzom_setup_644.exe)
3. Copied client and data files for 7144 as appropriate.
4. Error message said it was missing Ryzom.ttf Went and grabbed it from 7090 install. That needs to be fixed a something should be installing that..
5. Client.log file was almost 500MB. deleted and tried again, went down to 163 KB. Loads of warnings about skipping this and that, can't finding this and that, also many "can't add the big file", finally ending with:
Exception will be launched: Read error in file 'D:/Games/Ryzom 64 7144/data/titles.packed_sheets' (End of file?)
5. nel_report_.log
A fatal error occurs. The program must quit
ProcName: ryzom_client_r.exe
Date: 2016/02/06 21:04:15
File: Z:\home\src\packaging\ryzom\steam\ryzomcore\code\nel\include\nel/ georges/load_form.h
Line: 211
FuncName: loadForm
Reason: loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (Read error in file 'D:/Games/Ryzom 64 7144/data/titles.packed_sheets' (End of file?))
Odd that 7090 loads just fine and 7144 doesn't.
But it goes a lot further with 7144 on top of old client, than on top of fresh install.
The Steam reference seems to imply that Steam has to get involved somehow. I had heard that Ryzom would be available thru steam but I hope that's not doing to be mandatory. The two installs are on a 256 GB Samsung Pro; OS is on a separate but identical model SSD.
1. Did a complete fresh install of Ryzom into virgin folder (D:\Ryzom 64 7144) after putting my save directory in it.
2. Ran the install (ryzom_setup_644.exe)
3. Copied client and data files for 7144 as appropriate.
4. Error message said it was missing Ryzom.ttf Went and grabbed it from 7090 install. That needs to be fixed a something should be installing that..
5. Client.log file was almost 500MB. deleted and tried again, went down to 163 KB. Loads of warnings about skipping this and that, can't finding this and that, also many "can't add the big file", finally ending with:
Exception will be launched: Read error in file 'D:/Games/Ryzom 64 7144/data/titles.packed_sheets' (End of file?)
5. nel_report_.log
A fatal error occurs. The program must quit
ProcName: ryzom_client_r.exe
Date: 2016/02/06 21:04:15
File: Z:\home\src\packaging\ryzom\steam\ryzomcore\code\nel\include\nel/ georges/load_form.h
Line: 211
FuncName: loadForm
Reason: loadForm(): Exception during reading the packed file and can't reconstruct them (Read error in file 'D:/Games/Ryzom 64 7144/data/titles.packed_sheets' (End of file?))
Odd that 7090 loads just fine and 7144 doesn't.
But it goes a lot further with 7144 on top of old client, than on top of fresh install.
The Steam reference seems to imply that Steam has to get involved somehow. I had heard that Ryzom would be available thru steam but I hope that's not doing to be mandatory. The two installs are on a 256 GB Samsung Pro; OS is on a separate but identical model SSD.