
Your Local Ryzom Data: Finding, Backing Up, and maybe Editing

[1] it seems to be working fine for me if I run it using Wine

[2] I only used this program while logged out, I'm assuming that's what I should do?

[3] It took a bit of time(maybe 20s? less than a minute) for LandmarksEditor to load my markers, but they did load (so if you're reading this, maybe give it a moment to load before trying to debug your install). This load-time might just be an effect of running it through wine.

Thx Carmy for your testing :)

[1] i havent tested on Wine but its great to hear it works.
The only requirement to get the tool running is .NET Framework 4 (or maybe higher <- havent tested)

[2] thx for mentioning. u only should edit the markers of characters not logged into the game cause if u leave the game, the icfg file will be replaced by the game and all ur edits are rolled back

[3] the long loading time seems to be a problem of wine. on regular windows (im using Win 7 Pro x64 and Win 8.1 Pro x64) its loaded immediately
Mirakel, do you want to make a new post specifically for LandmarksEditor?

^^ I will :)
Thanks Mirakel for sharing the source code also.

Youre welcome


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Last visit Tuesday, 4 June 00:35:45 UTC

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