Mutual Mac

Getting the stanza bars to change using keys or macros on mac

Drekai, just to add to Carmy's datapoint: I'm on Linux (various releases of Ubuntu) and occasionally on windows (7), I use the same keys_*.xml file on all my Ryzom installations (file copy), and all my keybindings work on all systems. For switching the action bar, I use CTRL-1 ... CTRL-0 without any problems ever (ever := for the past couple of years).

Maybe you could provide some more details about what you actually tried, what worked, and what worked not.

For example, did you open the macro definition window and then try to assign just e.g. the "h" key to a macro that switches to the third action bar? Does this work? If not, do any other keys work? Can you hit "K" to open up the "key settings" window?
If the new "h" assignment works, go from there and try e.g. "ctrl-h", then maybe the combination you'd like it to have.
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