The Upper Branches (all in one thread)

chapter 26 (fragments of the lost scrolls)(final chapter of this story)

this is the following order we found most logical for the scrolls:
"we have traveled a long distance from the lands above. what we are seeking is freedom and safety for all to enjoy. with these new beginnings we hope we have found a land to prosper and grow. it's our hope that we can live without need of fear and worry. now that we are here we will never abandon these lands that we have come to settle. the creatures in the lands we leave behind were getting far too dangerous for us to live and be safe in. our foolish idea to limit the skills of a single homin in our home land was our undoing and one we will not repeat. the one thing we will ensure is that all homins can pursue all skills they want. it's our hope that in these new lands we have found we will grow and learn from our mistakes. perhaps when there are enough homins in these new lands we can return to our old lands."
this would seam to be a history of some kind.
why have the powers that be been so afraid of us learning this amazing historical text? is there something about these that they didn't want us to know? is there more of this history that they know but don't want us to know? were there more scrolls at one time that have not been found? their reactions throughout our work would suggest that any of these questions could be very true.
our group does intend to learn more in the future about what these scrolls tell us. we hope that all our work will inspire more homins to search for things like the scrolls we've already decoded. it's our hope that perhaps more scrolls will turn up, or other stories that have long be considered wild tales will be shared now in light of what we have found.
it's our plan to continue working on finding more answers in the future based on what we have now found with this work complete. as always any homins that desire to join our group and it's effort are welcome to. we want to let all homins on atys know that all are welcome in the group as long as they hold true to one single idea: that we are working for the better of all homin life on atys, and not any one single group. please leave politics, religion, or the lack of either outside, our group is about equal progress.
thank you all for the support thus far, and we hope to find your continued support in our future endeavors. those endeavors may come sooner then most would think. the group is already talking about what actions should be taken based on what we've learned. you can be assured that no matter what choices are made we'll keep you up to date atys.


Remickla (atys)
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