11h of january 2016
1 Matis rite 50
PtitBill: Creating the matis rite has, as said above, required to create new Ark modules. I hope it will surprise as many players as possible. It has been thought differently from what you're used to see daily on Atys. It's something of a test for me, and i'm waiting to see your reactions for the further steps. Knowing that next 3 rites will be in the same idea.
2 Missions and occupations
PtitBill: Regarding the Ryzom Forge Level-Design, the team had some holidays during the end of the year and we'll now dive again very soon in what we started.
I'll give again for the summary in the forum the links to hte pads for the ones who wish to help by proposing missions, occupations, or who have found ideas proposed in the depths of the forums.
We'll restart soon the validation of the proposals for the missions which were waiting forthe advices of the Lore and Level-Design teams. These proposals, except in case of negative recommendation announced which is seldom, arent forgotten but we sometime get stuck on the description given by the author.Please contact me to ptitbill@ryzom.com for any Level-Design topic.
Q: Some players have gotten discouraged about submitting ideas that they believe were ignored such as Virg's ideas and Rahael even Talkirc.
I am wondering about this disconnect or problem and how it may be improved. I hear complaints from players like this often. i try to tell them to join Ryzom forge.
A: We don't know of any proposal by Rahael or Talkirc. Virg one, yes.
1 Matis rite 50
PtitBill: Creating the matis rite has, as said above, required to create new Ark modules. I hope it will surprise as many players as possible. It has been thought differently from what you're used to see daily on Atys. It's something of a test for me, and i'm waiting to see your reactions for the further steps. Knowing that next 3 rites will be in the same idea.
2 Missions and occupations
PtitBill: Regarding the Ryzom Forge Level-Design, the team had some holidays during the end of the year and we'll now dive again very soon in what we started.
I'll give again for the summary in the forum the links to hte pads for the ones who wish to help by proposing missions, occupations, or who have found ideas proposed in the depths of the forums.
We'll restart soon the validation of the proposals for the missions which were waiting forthe advices of the Lore and Level-Design teams. These proposals, except in case of negative recommendation announced which is seldom, arent forgotten but we sometime get stuck on the description given by the author.Please contact me to ptitbill@ryzom.com for any Level-Design topic.
Q: Some players have gotten discouraged about submitting ideas that they believe were ignored such as Virg's ideas and Rahael even Talkirc.
I am wondering about this disconnect or problem and how it may be improved. I hear complaints from players like this often. i try to tell them to join Ryzom forge.
A: We don't know of any proposal by Rahael or Talkirc. Virg one, yes.
Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN