Technical Support

Ryzom launcher freezing upon entering account details (Win 10 64bit)

Hello all!
I have the same issues to play using Windows 10 64b... the game start and is active and frozen in taskbar but the login window can't open. I can see at task bar but not in screen. I'm using Avast av... below is the last lines in log file.

2015/12/31 13:35:58 WRN 54 client_ryzom_rd.exe http_client.cpp 61 CHttpClient::connect : Can't connect to web server '': Socket error: Connection to ( failed (10060: Connection timed-out)
2015/12/31 13:35:58 INF 54 client_ryzom_rd.exe common.cpp 571 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: Can't connect to http server
2015/12/31 13:35:58 WRN 54 client_ryzom_rd.exe login_progress_post_thread.cpp 225 CLoginProgressTask::run : Can't connect to http server
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Last visit Sunday, 2 March 19:29:46 UTC

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