note these lines here in your posted log:
2015/12/26 01:28:02 WRN 25f0 client_ryzom_rd.exe http_client.cpp 55 CHttpClient::connect : Can't connect to web server '': Socket error: Connection to ( failed (10060: Connection timed-out)
2015/12/26 01:28:02 INF 25f0 client_ryzom_rd.exe common.cpp 556 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: Can't connect to http server
2015/12/26 01:28:02 WRN 25f0 client_ryzom_rd.exe login_progress_post_thread.cpp 209 CLoginProgressTask::run : Can't connect to http server
it's clearly an issue of the client not being able to reach out and make a connection. the fact that the launcher is freezing is strange. did you install to default location? (bad on any version of windows from vista up, better to install to custom directory, eg. C:\games\ryzom) (you can try and move the ryzom folder from program files to a different non system dir and see if that helps, or run the launcher with admin rights)
2015/12/26 01:28:02 WRN 25f0 client_ryzom_rd.exe http_client.cpp 55 CHttpClient::connect : Can't connect to web server '': Socket error: Connection to ( failed (10060: Connection timed-out)
2015/12/26 01:28:02 INF 25f0 client_ryzom_rd.exe common.cpp 556 NLMISC::Exception::Exception : Exception will be launched: Can't connect to http server
2015/12/26 01:28:02 WRN 25f0 client_ryzom_rd.exe login_progress_post_thread.cpp 209 CLoginProgressTask::run : Can't connect to http server
it's clearly an issue of the client not being able to reach out and make a connection. the fact that the launcher is freezing is strange. did you install to default location? (bad on any version of windows from vista up, better to install to custom directory, eg. C:\games\ryzom) (you can try and move the ryzom folder from program files to a different non system dir and see if that helps, or run the launcher with admin rights)
Remickla (atys)
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