Dappers A Foison

I tend to disagree to both Imotep and Talkirc.

Imotep does not see sufficiently that it takes a while to let a character do a citizen rite, and somewhat longer to reach 99 or 100 nation fame. Only then 360.000 dappers are given once a day in exchange for 36 occupation products. Getting the products also is not done in zero time, rather in about 20-30 minutes on average. And you have to develop every character at least a bit to achieve that and haven't him or her lying dead every couple of steps. This is nothing for a throwaway alt dropped from Silan at level 1.

So, if you want a million per day, you have to prepare 3 alts, log them in one after another, do their money job, deliver, and log out. It is feasible, sure. Yet this boring job is surely eating 1.5hr a day. I, for example, have no more time to stay on Atys than 3-4 hours maximum during workdays, recently. I can assure that I would not sacrifice half of this time for such boring stuff.

In fact, craft missions are great, and those still developping their skills can combine digging, hunting, and crafting gaining dappers. And it is not hard indeed to get the money one needs, and even lots more. When doing all missions in Dyron at the campfire overseer, I am earning approximately 1.6 million iirc. For that purpose, I am digging (in case I am) about 1200 mats of different kind. When doing level grind (for Diwu) I collect the loot and store it for crafting. That way, I may earn dappers while doing things which are fun like digging everywhere on the bark, or level grind which can be fun, too.

I disagree, though, that it is in any way hard to get the dappers one needs every day. Even a beginner may start with one occupation, spend 10-15 minutes to get the products, then earn 90k dappers per day as a civ neutral, or 30 minutes and 180k dappers when doing 2 occs. That is way more than a newbie will ever spend, allowing to buy packers and an apartment soon (if subbed).

Without that, a beginner would be left with corporal etc. missions earning 2-5k dappers or craft missions earning 5k to 20k dappers on beginner level (lvl 30 ca.). That is not much, but also no imminent threat of running out of dappers and being unable e.g. to teleport.

In fact, I am also against getting rid of NH, it is a good headstart and motivates players to familiarize with nations, citizenship, fame, and basic occupations.

Yet no, the economy does not stink. Players are just lazy.


To add one thing: A real problem is that after having learnt how to earn dappers, there is no realistic way to spend them except simply wasting, giving away etc., the wheel of fortune is too slow, dappers are faster earned than spent. But there is not much worth while to get from dappers.

A proposal I made long time ago was creating additional rooms, each with a slight increase of storage, in apartments on increasing scale: 2nd room 10m, 3rd room 50m, then 100, 500, 1000million. A 7 room flat would be something really extraordinary :).


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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