Dappers A Foison

wow, this is the first time i've seen someone say making dappers is too easy since the merger.

sure you can use alts to turn in to NH, let's keep in mind the fact that even with alts, you much spend time getting the stuff for that, you claim it's too easy to do, let's consider a few facts about making dappers:

NH: can make up to 360,000 dappers per toon per day (23 hours cooldown)
Crafting: single mission that gives 400,000+ dappers per 4 hours (can be done up to 6 times in a day, producing 2,400,000+ dappers with a single toon {would take about 7 toons doing NH to make the same amount})

NH: requires that you spend time doing an occupation, thus there is effort in getting the products to turnin to NH
Craft: requires that you spend time getting mats, thus there is effort in getting the mats to do the crafting

bottom line: the new post-merger economy stinks.
NH is a small helping hand (you can only do it once per toon every 23 hours, so it's not as profitable as one might think)
Crafting is much more profitable and also requires work (but crafting get's you xp in various skills, fight/magic for mob mats, harvest xp if you dig them, also the cool down for crafting missions is under 4 hours, so you can do them much more often the NH.

as for the use of alts with NH, let me just say to turn in on 10 toons, you must do a list of things: 1) collect occ components 2) practice the occupation 3) ware down the NH system enough to allow each toon to turn in (this part alone can take 30 minutes) 4) log in and out each toon and turn in 5) exchange the dappers to the main toon. this whole process for 10 toons is a huge amount of work for a small gain in the end.

i've found craft missions in the Q50 to Q100 area that pay nearly 100k per mission, and can be done every 3 hours, which takes much less effort then working all the alts in all the other stuff.

let's also take note that a f2p can't reach the huge paying missions previously mentioned, thus NH is the BEST paying option for them in terms of single line of effort for most reward.

i further would like to point out that often the people i see knocking NH as a source of income have high craft skills, which leads me to wonder if they are trying to instill a 1% into ryzom similar to the real world, where 1% have everything and anything, and the other 99% suffer and are limited.

if dappers are so worthless, why are you complaining that NH gives them? (the dapper must be worth something if some says there's a "too easy" way to get them)

if anything the cooldown on NH should be reduced to 6 or 8 hours, or the amount of products you can turn in per 23 hours should be increased. also, the ware on the NH system per tp is too low, but those are just my thoughts and opinions on the topic.

NH is an attempt to offset the fact that crafters can make more dappers then anyone else far faster then anyone without a craft. untill there's a mission that tells me "kill 20 Q200 najab's and i'll pay you 200,000" NH is simply trying to shrink the huge space between a hunter/mage and a digger/crafter.

(placio, even if limited to account vs a single toon, ppl could just make 100 f2p accounts with a single toon on each, so changing NH isn't a solution at all in the end, we need to look at creating something NEW that will create a source of dapper income that helps to close the huge gap between crafters and non-crafters)

just my 2 dappers

basically: stop knocking NH and start trying to come up with new mission ideas that don't involve crafting with a fair payout for said mission. (eg. kill 10 Q100+ gingo's and i'll pay you 35,000, with a cooldown of 30 to 60 minutes) the real fix is to crate something new that makes NH less of a source of income for the non-crafting/digging players. (let's face it, not everyone likes to dig and craft)


Remickla (atys)
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