Level Design

[LD] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Level Design Group)

16th of November 2015

Missions in preparation

PtitBill: The missions being currently coded progress quietly, we've had a big part of the fyros project changed because of an anomaly regarding the Lore.As for the Tryker part, there are lots of projects, Zendae's one is taking its course... and during demonstrations it seemed to be liked by everyone.Lots of proposal by Bastien as much for the Trykers as for the other countries with a simple adjustment... but it's a bit early to talk about it.Rikutatis has joined us with Zoraï project, we're waiting for his texts.Some surprises for all countries. The players will have surprises which will change their habits.Deed is working on his Matis occupation but if other "matis" volunteers have ideas and feel like being authors, they can contact us.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN

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