
Intermediary Guild Between Silan and Faction/Guild of Choice

It would also be important to me not to be over-helped. While it's nice to be given dappers, honestly I was a little disappointed that I was given so much in Silan. I was looking forward to earning my way with little to start with and a world to explore. Part of what drew me personally to Ryzom was the big open world to explore and discover and participate in however I liked. I like the challenge of discovering the world, getting killed in surprising ways, quite by accident finding that great spot to grind, using the wrong armor for two weeks until I figure out how it's supposed to work, visiting a beautiful city for the first time just because I wanted to wander around, that sort of thing. I like to feel like I'm earning what I'm able to get, and understand it well, and that doesn't always happen when it feels like it was just given to me. Though I have to say, from the other side, it's sometimes hard to remember all this when I'm excited about sharing things with someone new.
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