Squished yet another bug with material filtering. Prime root mats did not appear correctly - even when selected. They are as sneaky as a varinx, I tell you!
Nehrie, if you refer to the Craft: Recipe-Book App, I don't think it will be possible to link them. Mollys Recipes is a third party App hosted on a private server and is not involved with the commercial ryzom game. However the Recipe-Book App runs on the official servers.
Thank you everyone, for testing and bug reporting. Recipes should look alot better now - with prime root sups back in the game!
Nehrie, if you refer to the Craft: Recipe-Book App, I don't think it will be possible to link them. Mollys Recipes is a third party App hosted on a private server and is not involved with the commercial ryzom game. However the Recipe-Book App runs on the official servers.
Thank you everyone, for testing and bug reporting. Recipes should look alot better now - with prime root sups back in the game!