
[Dev] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Dev Group)

19th of October 2015

1 Paypal payment option
Paypal application has been fixed:
- The missing PayPal button has been added again (under 180 days);
- "Donate" is moved to the right and not to the left;
- Account page: PayPal option is now visible by all the players from their account page;
- Known bug: Paypal via billing account for a resubscription comes with an error message (invalid order). The Dev is working on it.

2 Assessment of the recent maintenance on Atys server
All gone well. Maintenance last for 12 hours, we changed 2 RAID disks and resynchronise them. Game server seems more flowing with less lags.

3 small fixes
- Ryzom registration" on has been updated (There was an outdate text talking about "Klients").
- Bibit has been changed into WorldPay in the payment pages.

4 Current tasks
- Finish virtual items;
- Fix marauder OP plan giver;
- Fix marauder appartment and guild hall NPC;
- Change primitives to set hardcode texmple NPCs to autospwan (Tryker+Zoraï);
- Move some Marauder TPs to better position (there are flying ones, others in the middle of aggro mobs...);
- Definitively move Pyr NH to Cerakos Gate. (For the moment it's moved manually after each reboot);
- Secret work for the next Zoraï long sequence.

5 Coming patch

"We will start with the stuff that will be 100% ready for next server patch:
1.Move NH definitively near the east gate of Pyr (Cerakos Gate);
2. Change primitives to set hardcode temple NPCs to autospwan (Tryker+Zoraï);
3.Fix marauder OP plan giver.Other stuff that will be added in the patch if finished in time:
- Move marauder TPs: we need more tests and to find a good position for the TPs that are into an aggro zone, so we have to check during the 4 seasons to be sure they will be safe.
- Fix the marauder appartement NPC : some tests of this fix are still running on Yubo but now we see more problems or other important question it will need more time to find a better/good solution."


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
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