Discussing the Trytonists

[EN][OOC] (Sorry to have planted this discussion in roleplay forum, maybe it can be moved to ideas or elsewhere)

I don't think that the official creation of the trytonist faction will have a big impact for the game, especially Kami and Karavan. A couple of players will try out the new faction, the guilds and individuals roleplaying trytonists will surely join them, most probably staying in their alliances as before for OP wars.

There have always been but few active practitioners of the religions, most seem to have considered them and still do consider as a source of convenient transport and a focus for OP war alliances. This may be depressing for active cult roleplayers, but I fail to see that it was ever much different.

We should not consider the player base static and unable to grow. When the access from steam/valve is established, we may (or may not) experience new players' influx. More variety and new opportunities are not an unattractive feature, in my eyes.

While I do not see much danger looming from the creation of the Trytonist faction, I as well must admit that there will not be really much big benefit. Prosecution and oppression of trytonism, at least in an openly visible way, is a thing of a distant past, I never saw anything of that. A trytonist faction will largely be what trytonist players make out of it. Same goes, btw., for Kami and Karavan as well, and all the rest.



Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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