Marauder Almati Teleport

About a year ago I had a conversation about this.. I was told getting an OOC teleport to almati woods (which are present at every NH) would be a waste of time as it was the "number one priority" for the marauders.

1 year later marauders are still having to travel to religious temples or other cities to simply get access to almati woods. How anti-RP is this?? Let me give you the scenario: A marauder with -100 fame who can't do anything in a city has to run in and the NH guy teleports him?? [Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual.]

I have already made the dam thing in ARK- I did it ages ago.

[Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual, and be respectful with WinchGate staff.] You may ask- so why should we make one OC?? Because how anti-roleplay is it for marauders to go to cities with -100 fame and get teleported by them??

[Edited. You must act as a polite and civilized individual.]




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