[Ryzom Forge] Meeting (5th of october)

3 Level Design Group

Ptitbill: Nothing new, the Level-Design Team for Ryzom Forge is working hard, everyone on his project, and as for me I'm preparing the next of the Encyclopedia and some suprises about which, of course, I won't speak. Of course I'm always looking for voluntaries eager to join us, if you have ideas and want to implement them on Atys, contact me!

TalkIRC: I always have ideas, but like to test them out a little on the Yubo before I bother anyone offical with them. I also like to do all my writting before I do anything, to ensure that I've already got a story to go with things (the stories are good even if the content never comes). But that's it from me this time around, thanks.

Gaueko: Be sure that any new idea is sent to Lore Team for validation too. Or to Level Design, who will share with us for validation.

Q: can we imagine some stuff like eggs could be obtain not only on OCC event ?
A: right your idea and share your idea with any Lore or LD Team member for the validation Zendae. We work together for the missions validations so it will be the same. Since I am in the Lore Team you can send to me directly if you wish to
TalkIRC: one advantage to them is that they can't be traded from homin to homin, but in great numbers they could be very overpowering durring pvp, i think that would have to be a consideration to be taken into account, but i do like the idea in general.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN
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