crash when logging in

is there any special error message that shows up when you try to connect, other then the one you already posted?

also, in the ryzom install file find the file config.cfg and open it with a text editor program like notepad (or any other plain text editor of your choice) and check the first few lines of that file, make sure they look like these:

StartupHost = "";
StartupPage = "/login/r2_login.php";
InstallStatsUrl = "";
PatchServer = "";
InstallWebPage = "";

if they are not EXACTLY that way (with all the little dot's, slashes, colons, semi-colons, quotes, and equal signs you have to correct those errors). if there are errors there are two options, copy those lines here, remove what is in the file for these lines and paste these in their place, or manually edit them.

seams like there was a post after merger saying something about having to change a line in the config.cfg file, but i could be mistaken, it's been a while, and i've read alot of posts since then.

hope this helps, and if not, give an update and we'll try another option. (if none of the other options cure your problem)

also, as another idea, since you use windows 7, do you have UAC enabled? (user account control) and is ryzom installed in the "program files" folder? if the answer to both is yes there's another set of possible options:
one: (not a good option if your not tech savvy and careful when installing things, or on a shared computer) disable UAC.
two: move the whole ryzom install from the "program files" or "program files (x86)" folder to another location such as C:\ or another hard drive (even a portable usb drive will do, as long as it's at least 8GB and empty {ryzom takes between 6 and 7 GB of space}) then find "client_ryzom_rd.exe" in the folder and run that (ryzom application file), if it works, make a short cut of "client_ryzom_rd.exe" on your desktop, rename it to what you like, and enjoy having the problem fixed :)

if any of the options work for you please let us know, so that we might keep that option in mind in case anyone else suffers your issue.



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