
[Dev] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Dev Group)

21th of september 2015

1 Reinstallation of Yubo
After the problems with the RAID disks and the lots of persistent errors during the resynchronization, the Yubo server had to be reinstalled totaly, a backup allowed to save the data. It's open again, we still have to check that it's working fine. Please let us know about any problem you may encounter!

2 Ark
Yubo being back, Ulukyn will also be able to continue improving Ark, especially for opening it to the players. An error message has just been received: it seems that there isn't anymore free space on the disk for Ark, Ulukyn is informed. It's the reason for the big slows around 16h/17h CEST today on Yubo. Ulukyn has immediatly done some cleaning to fix it

Q: Would it be possible to discuss with the guy who reinstalled the server? It would help us to create a public procedure, especially if it's based on the last versions of Ryzom Core/
A by Kaetemi: Most of the web stuff is private, afaik, so you can't set up a ingame web app-style ryzom server yourself. WG uses ghetto copy paste server cfg files i think, not the automated install procedure. the "get it to work, and then don't touch it" way . 

3 Documentation on .sbricks
YannK: Documentation on the .sbricks takes more time than excepted because of IRL but also because writing clear explanations is more complexe than for the. .sitem. I'll see to write from now some tutorials on the way to make crafting, fighting.. skills, on a more detailed way than what I did for the .sitem (so it will take some time). I'll work on the .creature next (which will be used to place objects in the world, since we'll have the wonderful tool on which Kaetemi is working to create .shape easily)

4 Kaetemi's project

I still have to add the UV channels and then it's usable for basic textured models.The long term approach is:
1- create a Mesh Editor, which essentially opens your .blend file and is used to adjust nel material and export options - the output from this is (a) accessories/actors that go straight into game, and (b) construction models which are used in ...
2- create a Zone Editor, which essentially assembles the construction models and allows creation of landscape patches.And all the output from these tools the pipes into the World Editor which assembles the zones from zone editor, and where you place the actors that come straight from mesh editor.The main issue with RC studio is that it depends on build output data to work... Mut we're working with the build input data: mesh editor and zone editor will directly open .blend etc, without requiring any output data, straight from your asset database, convert it into nel format in memory.

Q:  It's a tool in command line of a RC Studio plugin?
A: It's a command line utility, just drag drop the file on the app and the exported files appear.  RC studio is too slow and bulky, i do not believe it's the correct approach to put everything in one large app.

Q:  What langage do you use for this tool, btw ?
A: C++.


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