
Is Ryzom in good health?

I just started a few days ago but really enjoying myself. Creating your own abilities and having such an open world is refreshing for an MMO.

The population isn't as large as newer games but always had someone answer my questions and even helped me in game. I feel like it you don't jump in and try the game because of the population even if you find the mechanics interesting you'll be doing yourself a disservice.

I agree with that. I never had a problem finding some one either. Quality over Quantity I say=) I honestly think the state of this game is better than most. Take AA for example, there is just a bunch of cheating, bots, evil community, greedy cash shop, and all sorts of negative stuff. Here for the reasonable 10.99 you get full access, great community, I have seen 0 bots, no one spammed me to power level my character, no credit card battles, and no one being mean for the sake of being mean.

Its quite weird, a game like aa, with all that bad stuff I said, has a lot more people than this... But I guess the majority like quantity over quality.

Hope to see you in Atys =)
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Last visit Sunday, 8 September 03:01:56 UTC

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