
Is Ryzom in good health?

With age, I came to ask myself the following question about games or simply when doing things in real life: "Am I playing this game, or is the game playing me?"

Grinding just to improve those numbers in your character is a proven recipe for game success. We humans would do anything to rise a number (see autoclicker/idle flash games for instance). Five years? No problem, I will click and reclick and become a master of numbers. If you actually get there you won't be even able to think otherwise since that would mean that you have wasted life on a number. It's like the carrot-pole-donkey propulsion system.

I had the luck to play a game where that "number chase" was really short and you could have a maxed alt in a matter of days (or even hours). Fun was about enjoying different game styles there, alone and with friends. I liked that approach. I like long-term playing too, for as long as it is fun all the way there.

The long and linear level/quality ladder made me wonder about what kind of game Ryzom was.
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Last visit Friday, 18 October 13:22:28 UTC

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