
Is Ryzom in good health?

The classless system was a bit deceiving to me. ..
Two characters end up being the same. Hence the question, is it a classless or a single-class game?

Until 2 characters end up the same way, they have to go a very long way. I know what I am speaking about, and so do the not so many players who also completed the whole skill tree.

Even having done that, I am not nearly such a good digger as several players I know, I am not an equally good crafter as e.g. Lacuna, and I miss any of the PvP abilities e.g. Virg or Zendae possess. I lack access to PR teleporters (at least until the Rangers' rite will be complete).

So I fail to see that we are all alike, the game is too large for that. It took me months to get my tribe fames to my alignment's maximum, or to reach all exploration points. Not few players do not care for those achievements which is perfectly fine.

Surely a change of the skill system as you describe it might work, might even be interesting. Yet I consider such a radical change far too much for the programming and testing manpower available, and not really so interesting and challenging as, say, new continents, missions, bosses etc., and probably a new development of the Lore and ingame history.


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