
Is Ryzom in good health?

The classless system was a bit deceiving to me. I thought I could find and master my own style but it was more like a list of things to grind, ordered by priority, and then behaving like everybody else (besides roleplaying).

Two characters end up being the same. Hence the question, is it a classless or a single-class game?

I would love to experiment with another layer over the skill system, so a player could orientate a certain character towards a certain style. A matrix where you could substract effectiveness from a certain tree and add it to another one, maybe enabling access to special stanzas. And stanza lines too, or even more basic aspects.

Do you prefer magic over combat? Elemental over healing? Fire over cold? Armor crafting over weapon crafting? Do you want to become Bruce Lee? Maybe the god Loki (madnesssssss)? A shaolin wizard with spiked amps? The fastest runner on Atys? A titanical brute who doesn't know the meaning of accuracy? A weird combination of them?

All skill lines should be meaningful and balanced though, and synergies studied.

- But I want it all in a single character! That's why I like Ryzom!

Can't argue with that :p But I miss being creative. Fun would never end for as long as you want to test new stiles, alone and in teams. And it would still be completely classless.
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Last visit Friday, 18 October 13:21:33 UTC

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