
Is Ryzom in good health?

There would be many aspects to explore. Is the level/quality ladder working well?

Having done all levels in a time of 3yrs3mths3days (the last figure a bit staged, could have done it in 1 or 2 days but could not resist :)), I dare say, yes. There are some problems, of course. And without permacats it would have taken longer (before the merge I had only 21 levels mastered).
Does it represent a problem in low population situations? Is it entertaining or plain boring?

Depends. I recall a situation when I had all melee fight and off magic levels above 147 (max lvl of stingas) and was practically unable to go ahead without a healer (I found some tricks for ele later, e.g. killing cuttlers in SC down the cliff in OO). It was not easy to find a healer all times - mind that Leanon was much less populated than today's Atys. Some day, I decided to let my little sister Diwu (subbed second account) come down to mainland to support me as a healer and careplanner. That made me somewhat more independent from other players' time schedule. Everytime, I enjoyed cooperation with other players more and preferred it over just playing with my second self (mind that Diwu is a much different RP personality, often disagreeing, teasing, mocking, or scolding me :)).

Yet, if you experience boredom or delay in leveling the 63 skills, create an alt. Even a f2p is fully sufficient for healing and CP.

Is the class-less system fulfilling it's promises? Can players develop and enjoy their own personal style? Is every skill line meaningful? How do they synergize when solo and when in team? Is interaction with ecosystems satisfactory? Are new players receiving the right stimulus in the early stages to crave for more? Is the "world as a system" idea able to provide fun for veterans and newcomers alike? Is it worth paying for, statistically talking? etc

Many questions, a few answers.

Yes, classless system is gorgeous and perfectly great. Having played some other MMO, I would say that it is priceless and absolutely indispensible.
At least I can say that I did develop and enjoy my personal style and still do (so does Diwu, as far as I am entitled to speak for her). Some hate me for, some like it, some may laugh about.
Interaction with ecosystems is unique in the world of MMOs as far as I experienced them. This world has some kind of "real" biology, in fauna and flora, consistent, even scientifically logical, and extremely impressive. I do not know a single other MMO with these features.
I cannot speak for other newcomers. It is now 4,5 years ago that I was a complete newbie to the game. I was fascinated and caught from the first couple of hours on. The feeling of still being a noob did not subside for a couple of years, until I had experienced most of the world, all regions, and completed the skill ladder. Even now, I would not assert to know all of Atys, or to have experienced everything to learn, though my cumulated playtime is too high to publish it.
As to paying for, I considered and still consider it worth while to pay for two subbed accounts. In fact, that is no more expensive than one subbed acc in certain more boring MMOs I played in the past.

Many possible questions and even more possible answers.

I don't want to answer all of them. Else I would just become a game developer and probably make my own product :p But who knows, maybe Ryzom community is up to the challenge.

-for fun

I tried to answer a few of them. Don't know whether it was helpful for you.

Greetings, Daomei


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral
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