
Is Ryzom in good health?

Ok I finally have a picture of Ryzom status.

I am wondering, hasn't anyone tried to start a second full Ryzom using the opensource material? Not an exact clone since it would be useless but a mantained and evolving version of it.

Not that I have seen. I looked, but it seems no one has any interest. If you have the heart ,will power, leadership, money to run a dedicated server, and make it not pay 2 win, I will join:). If swg emulator pulls off 1500 people, and 2 3 grand a month,I am sure this could. Esp if said person added better content, used pay pal right, and based it in the USA. The rasoni found no one has is because, the free server thing is bare bones, so you need to make everything.

The only experience I have is with days, but I will help. I will also write quest dialog. I am no programmer though.
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Last visit Friday, 18 October 09:16:51 UTC

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