
[Dev] Reports of Ryzom Forge's meetings (Dev Group)

7th of september 2015:

1 Fixing of the recent instability on the "Yubo" test server
A RAID hard-drive broke, which explains the test server big instability in the last time. It should be replaced by OVH next week. Replace of the HDD is done last week, now the raid must be repaired  himself that would need round 6/7 days from today.

Q: Embarrassing question: how many raid discs have broken? The problem is when you've got 2 at the same time...
A: It doesn't seem to be the case. But resynchronizartion is very slow. So we'll have to wait.

2 : Dev project allowing to use any 3D tool without using 3DSmax
Kaetemi's project has been validated by Winch Gate, an agreement remains to be found with him on the prices.

Q: Is there anything new regarding the new zone?
A: YannK: It's a bit late for me but I can answer you during day hours, if you want.

3 Call of YannK:
i'd have a call to launch:  We'd need people knowing how to prepare Linux packts. Nimetu is making already a lot of them, but we're missing someone to make .deb for Debian Sid (it's for me, I've got to admit). So if people knowing how to create packages want to help, it would be to allow an easiest access to Ryzom Core tools (RC Studio especially).


Ryzom Team Manager
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