
Is Ryzom in good health?

Hm. For reference, there is another old game that could be taken as example of sandboxing: Wurm Online. Land, buildings, items, animals, almost everything is subject to the player's hands. You can grind but you also spend a lot of time being creative in your most personal way, alone or with friends (or enemies). Ryzom doesn't have all that but, in exchange, it's sandbox properties are oriented to actions and crafting.

Creativity. But how creative can you be when making custom actions? The system is incredible but you end up making and using the optimized actions because there isn't much alternative. That's what I meant by under-developed dynamics. Item creation tends to be similar (not sure about special versions, never seen any).

We could go much deeper but the main point I want to check is if players, developers and owners are:

A.- Counscious about the situation.

B.- Willing to move forward.

The things you can do with Ryzom core systems would ashame most last generation games. And would be fun as hell.
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Last visit Thursday, 19 September 02:11:45 UTC

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