
Is Ryzom in good health?

I just joined, but I am kinda surprised there aren't more people. I mean there isn't to many options like this game. I would say though it is in good health in my opinion. There are always some one on when I play, I will admit I am not very far, but I always see some one. Not to mention they are generally nice.

I only met one person I didn't get along with, and that was a CSR, but that was because he was trying to threaten me to be scared of him, because I told him I couldn't understand what he was typing. Not really sure why Gms randomly pop into chat and try to talk to people, but what ever.

As for new content, well I dono for a game like this if that actually matters, as long as the game has people. Its not like a content grinder, where every one just does the weekly mission, to get a useless reward, and then quits till the next one.
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Last visit Thursday, 19 September 01:29:50 UTC

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